Action Alert: Urge Support for Tester Amendent on Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510)

Please contact your senators on Mon., Nov. 15 or Tues., Nov. 16. and urge them to support the Tester Amendment to the Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510). The Senate may be voting on the bill as early as Wednesday, Nov. 17.

Without the amendment, thousands of small farmers and small food producers who are producing safe, nutrient-dense foods will be at risk for going out of business.

For more information about the bill, please see The Cornucopia Institute’s website.

It’s easy to call or email your senator.  Go to U.S. Senate and select your state. The list will present their phone numbers and links to their email forms.

If you call, once connected ask to speak to the legislative staff person responsible for agriculture. If they are unavailable, leave a voice mail message. Be sure to include your name and phone number.
The message is simple:

“I am a constituent of Senator___________. I ask that he/she support the Tester Amendment to the food safety bill. The Tester Amendment will exempt the safest, small, owner-operator farms and food facilities and farmers who direct market their products to consumers, stores or restaurants. Food safety legislation should not create inappropriate and costly regulatory barriers to family farms and the growing healthy food movement in the drive to crack down on corporate bad actors. Please support the Tester Amendment and market opportunities for small and mid-sized family farms, and small food processing facilities.”