Low Vitamin D Linked to Allergies in Children

Fatty fish such as salmon are natural sources of vitamin D - Photo by Ayako

I read an interesting article which references a new study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.  Researchers found a link between low Vitamin D levels and the onset of allergies in children.

The article says, “While no specific correlation in this particular study was observed between vitamin D and allergens in adults, children and adolescents with low levels of vitamin D were found to be sensitive to an average of 11 of the 17 allergens, which included environmental allergens like ragweed and oak, and food allergens like eggs and peanuts.”  This conclusion confirms a Harvard study from 2007 that concluded the onset of allergies and asthma in children could be reduced by increasing sunlight exposure.

I’ve been reading many studies suggesting that Vitamin D deficiencies are linked to many diseases.  In fact, I added 2000IU of Vitamin D to my daily regimen of supplements.  From what I read, the recommended amount is from 2000IU to 5000IU.

In addition to taking Vitamin D, many physicians now recommend getting a few minutes of sunlight exposure year round without using sunscreen.  These numbers depend on what latitude one lives in and time of year.  You don’t want to turn pink.  In winter, the exposure time needs to be increased.  I’ve stopped using sunscreen for the first 10 to 15 minutes I’m out in the sun during the summer.  Before I turn pink, I go in and put on sunscreen for the rest of the time that I am outside.  During the rest of the year, I need little sunscreen to none at all.

Read the article “Low vitamin D linked to allergies in children.”