Thank goodness scientists are finally looking at the dangers of sugar consumption! It sounds counterintuitive: cut back on added sugar if you want to lower your cholesterol levels, but new research is finally supporting what a few people already … [Read more...]
Whole Grains Are Not Intact Grains
When you eat whole grains, you may not be eating what you think you are. The term "whole grains" is essentially meaningless because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) created a definition friendly to food companies that misleads the … [Read more...]
Eating Well: Community-Supported Agriculture
Last year after reading The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan, I searched for a local farm that supported community-supported agriculture (CSA), which he explained in the book. I wanted to find a local farm which … [Read more...]
Scales Lie!
OK, we all know scales tell you what you weigh, but sometimes the number isn't reflective of the work you are putting in to maintain your health: eating right, exercising, etc. Simply Determined and I were talking this week about the … [Read more...]