Review: The Inflammation Syndrome by Jack Challem

Weight issues, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, allergies of various types -- including food, asthma, some cancers, and many other diseases have a common tie.  Inflammation.  Which is triggered by inflammatory foods in one's diet.  The … [Read more...]

Highly Recommended: Cook Yourself Thin

If you are looking to eat healthier or to lose weight, great recipes are the key, and Cook Yourself Thin: Skinny Meals You Can Make in Minutes can help you get started. This 80-recipe cookbook is a companion to the TV series Cook Yourself Thin, a … [Read more...]

Why Fitness Hopeful Is Eating a High-Protein, High-Fiber, Moderate-Carb, Moderate-Fat Eating Plan

While Simply Determined talked about why she chose Atkins, I want to make the distinction that I'm not doing Atkins but another type of eating plan: a high-protein, high-fiber, moderate-fat, moderate-carb diet. I want to stress that there is no … [Read more...]