Do you eat the same foods often, have food allergies/sensitivities, or want to eat more healthily? Understanding food families and rotating them is an important part of improving one's diet. I didn't fully understand why this was necessary until I … [Read more...]
Review: The Inflammation Syndrome by Jack Challem
Weight issues, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, allergies of various types -- including food, asthma, some cancers, and many other diseases have a common tie. Inflammation. Which is triggered by inflammatory foods in one's diet. The … [Read more...]
The Truth About Cholesterol – Hold That Hamburger Bun
This article is dedicated to my friend whom I was talking to today about her doctor's visit. Her new doctor wants her to go on a 1500 to 1600 calorie, low-carb diet. Wow, I'm impressed that her doctor realizes that carbs cause major health … [Read more...]
A Funny Thing Happened before Drinking an Orange Juice
"That orange juice will kill you," said a French waitress to my husband's boss years ago, when the boss was in Paris on business, eating his normal breakfast at the hotel. Later, the boss related the incident, and we all thought that was really … [Read more...]
Essential Dietary Supplements
I made an interesting observation of my blood pressure (BP) this morning after I started taking 5 dietary supplements this week (magnesium citrate, coQ10, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamin E, and lemon-flavored cod liver oil), based on the recommendations … [Read more...]