Highly Recommended: Protein Power Lifeplan by Michael Eades, M.D., and Mary Eades, M.D.

Maybe you want to lose or maintain weight.  Perhaps you have diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, diseases of the eye, or autoimmune disorders.  Or maybe you just want to find a healthy way to eat. The Protein Power Lifeplan … [Read more...]

Calcium Supplements Can Be Harmful

Just yesterday, I received a new email notification from NutritionData talking about the dangers of calcium supplements, linked to a new study "Study: Calcium May Increase Heart Attack Risk." Interestingly enough, in the book I just read, The Protein … [Read more...]

The Trouble with Eating Grains and Legumes

Plants Fight Back with Toxins Anti-Nutrients and Toxins in Seeds (Grains, Legumes, Nuts, and Others) Grains, legumes (beans, peas, lentils, soybeans, peanuts, etc.), nuts, and other seeds have developed anti-nutritional factors and toxins for … [Read more...]

Added Sugar Contributes to Elevated Cholesterol Levels

Thank goodness scientists are finally looking at the dangers of sugar consumption!  It sounds counterintuitive: cut back on added sugar if you want to lower your cholesterol levels, but new research is finally supporting what a few people already … [Read more...]

Highly Recommended: Good Calories, Bad Calories

Do you want to lose weight or understand the causes of obesity?  Are you interested in knowing which calories are good and which are bad?  Do you want to know why the mainstream thinking on nutrition may be causing more obesity and other illnesses?  … [Read more...]