Do you know what foods are best for your body? I spent the last year doing scientific observations of the foods I eat and how they affect me to determine what I should be eating. However, I just discovered a multiple-choice questionnaire to … [Read more...]
The Truth About Cholesterol – Hold That Hamburger Bun
This article is dedicated to my friend whom I was talking to today about her doctor's visit. Her new doctor wants her to go on a 1500 to 1600 calorie, low-carb diet. Wow, I'm impressed that her doctor realizes that carbs cause major health … [Read more...]
Highly Recommended: Protein Power Lifeplan by Michael Eades, M.D., and Mary Eades, M.D.
Maybe you want to lose or maintain weight. Perhaps you have diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, diseases of the eye, or autoimmune disorders. Or maybe you just want to find a healthy way to eat. The Protein Power Lifeplan … [Read more...]
The Evolution of My Eating Plan to More of a Natural Diet
Back in March, I wrote an article "Why Fitness Hopeful Is Eating a High-Protein, High-Fiber, Moderate-Carb, Moderate-Fat Eating Plan." I've still been evolving my eating plan since then, so its about time I posted something about it. While I'm still … [Read more...]
Connection between Nutrition and Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, and other Autoimmune Diseases
A friend and I were emailing each other, and she said her fibromyalgia was making her feel horrible. My first thought about the fibromyalgia was that it was a nutrition-based health problem, like so many other health problems that I've been reading … [Read more...]